Sunday, 25 October 2020

Intro video English & Mandarin

In fact, I am not a highly educated person, rich or a saint. I used to be an ordinary ‘’HAPPY GO LUCKY’’ person like everybody else who was chasing after fame, power, wealth and a luxurious life. 
After I lost 2/3 of my body in a traumatic accident, It woke me up. In this accident, I lost 2/3 of my body that used to have feelings. At that period of time, I was in the dark alley of death; everything to me was hopeless and ‘’grey’’.  When I was struggling in between life and death, I saw another side of life and it is the light of hope. 
Although I lost 2/3 of my body that used to have feelings but I found the most precious things in life that is the value of love. It is this value of love from my family and friends that gave me the courage, strength and confidence to move on. 

When I was in the dark, it was these precious values that showed me light of hope and guided me to be strong and fought through all odds. After been through life and death, fame and wealth are no longer important to me. I’ve to climb up from zero.
With this great love, although I’m sitting on this wheelchair, but my soul and spirit is standing tall. I am the to the mirror; disregard who you are, I really wish to share my experience and have a chance to inspire and motivate more people; especially the People With Disabilities (PWD) and the younger generation to have a positive mind and attitude in life. I wish to be their light and tell the PDWS’ that we are not a burden to the society! And let’s create a peaceful and harmony society together. 
Thank you!

Leonard Chua 

其實,我並不是什麼智慧高深,家財萬貫,心懷天下的聖人。從前的我,不過就是 一名普普通通,渾渾噩噩過著日子的凡人。與其他人一樣,我拼勁全力的追求著名, 利,權,財,不可自拔的沉浸在物質的富足與享受中。 。 。

直到有一天,我被收去半條生命的代價下, 點醒了我;在一場車禍中,我失去 了下半身的知覺。那段日子中,我的人生是陰暗的,是灰色的,是 絕望與悲慘的化 身!在生與死之間的徘徊中,我看見了生命的另一面,那代表光明與希望的一面!雖然我失去了半身的知 覺,但我卻從我迷茫的人生當中,找回了這世上最為珍貴的 情與愛!家人,朋友,堅持,勇氣,毅力及感恩。 。 。

 這些才是我在黑暗中,照亮我,指引我的那盞明燈。 。 。直到今天,我悟透了生與死,看透了名與利,我從絕望走向了希望,在“愛”這神聖與偉大的力量之下,我的身體坐了上來,而我的心卻站起來了!

無論是正在學習的莘莘學子,還是外出工作了的社會人士,我都希望能與他們分享我所體會的一切,我希望我所經歷的一切能被每一個人所借鑒,我更希望那些如我一般的殘疾人士們能因為我的分享而受到啟發!我們並不是社會的負擔!同樣 的, 讓我們以心中的愛,溫暖我們的社會;讓我們以我們的行動來點亮每一個人的人生 吧!



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